Tuesday 21 February 2012

Origin of INTERNET(WorldWideWeb)

While many of us must have thought that WorldWideWeb (www) must have been originated in USA due to the very popularity of computers and the Origin of computer in USA .But the reality is not that,

        It was at CERN,the world's largest physics laboratory that a scientist TIM BERNERS LEE       
created world's first website and with that idea,millions of websites are present there serving us in a hundred thousand ways.  

  • Idea was to connect hypertext with the internet and the pc's   thus having a single info. network to help CERN physicists share all the computer stored info. at this laboratory.
  • Tim berners lee ---Created a Browser EDITOR,with the goal of development and build a common hypertext.
  • In MAY 1990------> WorldWideWeb was created.

Tim Berners-Lee
The historic NeXT computer used by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, on display in the Microcosm exhibition at CERN. It was the first web server, hypermedia browser and web editor.

THANKS---------------- ''TIM BERNERS LEE''

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